jeudi 21 juin 2012

Back to the Grind

After a lovely weekend in Paris, I am back to work in Sousse.  I had a meeting with my boss the day before I left which was actually very helpful, and provided a lot of direction for what I need to be doing this week.  I was relieved because I have, at various points, felt very much without direction.  I was able to cobble together what I was supposed to be doing, but I felt a bit lost as this is my first real internship abroad.  While I have not had a lot of homesickness or overwhelming culture shock, there are many little things that slowly pile up and end up creating a cluster of thoughts that I could broadly label as culture shock.  I try to read a lot and stay active in work, but as I said sometimes it feels a bit directionless, and so it is tricky.  I found this list of tips for working abroad that are generally helpful.  They are largely more geared to people who have never worked abroad, which I have, but they are good nonetheless.

This week is doubly busy as I am doing a bit of catching up for missing Friday and Monday for my trip to Paris.  So I have lots to do, and a real to do list, and if nothing else I feel like I make forward progress when I cross things off a list.  But I do wonder, is that what I came here to do?  Cross things off a list?  I had definitely romanticized what I would be doing as visions of community meetings and village mapping on dusty village meeting hall floors danced through my head, but I didn't expect to be so connected to the internet, doing so much grant-related writing and research and generally staying in so much.  I guess it is normal for an organization that is trying to get off the ground.  They need help both with their projects and with their development of the organization.  So I am here doing a bit of both.

Needless to say, as much I as am able to get good experience just from being in an internship, it is also highly dependent on how much I put in.  My boss encouraged me to ask more questions to make sure I am targeting the right information when I putting together grant proposals and projects.  She is right.  It is time to step it up, ask more questions, be more forthright and be more of a go-getter.  Just being in Tunisia will not provide experience through osmosis.  I need to be an active learner and employee.  It makes no sense to try and make excuses for what I didn't learn if I know I didn't push to always learn more.  So that is what I am working on starting this week.

Paris was a great little refresher.  It was nice to see a good friend, nice to escape the heat for a weekend and so much fun to go back to a city I love.  We strolled the streets, ate too many delicious pastries, ate baguettes and cheese, walked the city in the evening with daylight until 10:15 pm, ate foie gras and drank white wine.  It was so lovely.  We spent one afternoon in Versailles in the park and gardens and sat outside and had a crepe and shared a pitcher of cider.  It was lush and green in Paris and the city was alive and sparkling.  I was happy be back.  It was nice to have a little adventure, to take the train in Tunisia for the first time and see a bit more of the capital city in my travelling, too.  So I am back this week refreshed and ready to try and bite of a bit more and throw my weight into this internship.

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